Personal Announcements
Introducing Maylee Jean Edmonds
Maylee Jean Edmonds was born on June 22, about 5 weeks earlier than expected. She was diagnosed with malrotation and Jejunal Atresia of the bowel and was taken in for surgery a few…
Thanks for your prayers!
Josh and I wanted to say thank you for all the prayers for our little guy Theo! He fell into our bonfire on Memorial Day weekend and he spent almost a week at…
Lost gold signet ring
A few weeks ago I lost a gold signet ring with a capital “D” on the face. If you should find it, please return it to Margaret Pasko in the Office of Student…
Another Freebie
Continuing the movement to give away treasures, I have placed a small lamp on a bench on the first floor of Becker Hall. It might be the perfect item for that empty corner…
Welcome Newest Forester
Chief Keirsh Cochran and his wife, Christie, welcomed the newest member of the Forester Family and their second daughter, Nola Joy Cochran, on New Year’s Eve! Nola weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces and…
New baby: Caspian Eric Luce
Introducing Caspian Eric Luce! He was born late on September 14th at 7 lb 3 oz and 20 inches long.
Free Perennials
Hello, friends. Spring is here and once again we have more beautiful perennial flowers and bushes than we need. I hate to kill them and would love to relocate them. We are looking…
A Letter from the Chief
Dear Huntington University Family, February 26 is the conclusion of my first 100 days serving as your Chief of Campus Police and Safety. Although I have not met each of you personally, I…
Helping George and Joni Killian
A Meal Train has been organized for George and Joni Killian in the coming weeks to help them as Joni takes on George’s responsibilities both here at the University and at their church…
Thank you
Dear Friends, Thank you to my HU family for the prayers, visits, and flowers during my father’s illness and passing. It’s a blessing to be surrounded by people of hope and faith as…