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    Retirement in Student Life

    Margaret Pasko will be retiring at the end of this academic year. Margaret has faithfully served our staff and students for the last 27 years. During her time as administrative assistant for student life,…

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    Staff Change in Student Life

    Jess Hatcher will be leaving HU at the end of this academic year. Jess has served as a member of our residence life and counseling programs for the past seven years. I have always…

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    Staff Change in Student Life

    Zach Herber will be leaving HU at the end of this academic semester. Zach served as the part-time resident director in Forester Village for the past three years. Zach possesses excellent follow-through skills…

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    Taste It Tuesday

    For today’s self-care activities: Try a new healthy recipe CHALLENGE – Drink half of your weight in ounces of H₂O! Example – for 140 lbs drink 70 oz of water SELF-CARE = Physical…

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    Move It Monday

    For today’s self-care activities: Take a walk! Yoga/Stretching (5:00-5:30 p.m. yoga in the Department of Nursing) Share your favorite exercise with a friend! SELF-CARE = Physical ∙ Mental ∙ Emotional ∙ Spiritual Posted…

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    Posting to the Forester Feed

    How to Submit Posts to the Forester Feed: Go to the Forester Feed website (foresterfeed.huntington.edu) or click “Read More” on any post from the email version of the Forester Feed Click on the…