
  • Events

    Call for Submissions — We are Building an App!

    Calling for workshop presenters who can offer students advice, encouragement, and education on student success in the form of a 50-minute workshop during New Student Orientation (NSO). All workshop precentors will receive $25…

  • Events

    Shout-out to Your Valentine!

    Forester Radio is offering the chance to do something memorable for your special someone this Valentine’s Day! For a $3 donation, you can have a DJ shout-out to your friend or special someone…

  • Events

    Rylie Raber’s Senior Recital

    Huntington Performing Arts Department presents the senior recital of soprano Rylie Raber, featuring her favorite pieces from her time at Huntington University. Rylie will showcase several selections and guest Aubry Williams will join…

  • Events

    Smith Lecture this Friday!

    2019 HU nursing graduate Kate Hillman will be giving a Smith Lecture this Friday, February 7, over her career as a sexual assault nurse examiner. Please join us at 4:00 p.m. in Hiner…

  • Events

    HU Foundation Breakfast — February 12

    Join us for our next Huntington University Foundation Breakfast on February 12 where we will hear about the City of Huntington’s Destination Downtown Master Plan. Created with input from residents and business owners,…

  • Events

    Faculty Recital

    Join us in Zurcher Auditorium tomorrow night for a Faculty Recital featuring Elizabeth Smith and Alan Chambers playing music by Handel, Beethoven, Vaughan Williams, and Massenet. Admission is free and all are welcome!…