Day of Giving 2025
SAVE THE DATE! On March 11-12, we will be holding our 8th Annual Day of Giving. Day of Giving will last from noon to noon. On Day of Giving, we raise funds for the Forester Fund. As many of you know, the Forester Fund is Huntington’s annual scholarship. More than 90% of our students receive some kind of scholarship from the Forester Fund. This year, we are challenging HU employees to make a gift of any amount on the day to unlock a matching gift. To unlock that matching gift, we need 75 employees to make a gift! Please help us get the word out via social media. If you see any social posts from HU about Day of Giving, please share. Help us continue to grow a forest of Foresters! Please keep Day of Giving in your prayers as we get closer to the event.
If you would like any Day of Giving graphics to share or have any questions, please email Danny Fleming at
Posted By: Danny Fleming