Call for Submissions — We are Building an App!
Calling for workshop presenters who can offer students advice, encouragement, and education on student success in the form of a 50-minute workshop during New Student Orientation (NSO). All workshop precentors will receive $25 gift card per session taught on Friday, August 22, and/or Saturday, August 23.
Suggested topics: Athletic success at HU, academic success, scavenger hunts for the sciences, scavenger hunt study helps, eating healthy, sleep, time management, spiritual growth, student activities, creating belonging on campus, financial understanding, boundaries, mental health, HU student employment, travel abroad and mission trips, and so on. Academic meet-and-greets will be offered in the form of a workshop. Departments are encouraged to create an engaging workshop/experience for students in the major you teach. Be fun, creative, and meet the students you will be working with. Staff are encouraged to offer workshops as well; everyone is welcome!
Submit your workshop idea here: Orientation Workshop 2025 – Formstack
All workshops are respectfully requested by the end of February so we can add them to the HU NEW Student Orientation App. Complete the form above now and create the content later. Coaches are encouraged to submit ideas that will engage new and transfer athletes to succeed. The purpose of these workshops will allow students to register early (spring/summer) and attend workshops in areas they want to know more about.
Posted By: Anita Watson