
Baseball Meet the Team

It is time for us to begin planning for our upcoming Meet The Team Dinner and Auction on Saturday, January 25, at 5 p.m. This year’s event will take place in the PLEX’s new Auxiliary Gym.

We hope you can attend this year’s event. The cost for the evening is $100 per person and includes a delicious buffet style meal. This year all registrations will be completed online at:

This will make the process of checking in/out of the event more efficient. If you have any difficulty with the link, please let me know.

In addition to attending, would you be willing to serve as a table host? By agreeing to be a table host, you will commit to filling a table with eight people (including yourself) who might be interested in supporting the baseball team by taking part in our silent and live auctions. If you are willing to serve as a table host, please contact me at (260) 224-0339 or at Once I hear from you, I will send you some additional details.

If you are not able to serve as a table host, you can still attend and be a part of the evening of course! You can also contribute by helping secure items for our live and silent auctions. Please contact me if you have items for the auction or if you know someone who might have an interest in donating.

Thanks again for considering your involvement in 2025. Go Foresters!

Thad Frame


Posted By: Athletics