Jamaica in Summer Session I
A service-learning experience awaits HU students for all majors interested in participating! Want to join us?
A partnership between the Friesen Center and CSI Ministries is building a service-learning experience that will combine a curriculum-rich experience with the opportunity for personal and spiritual growth through serving others. Students will have an individual plan and experience based on their major during the day and return back to our community house for an evening meal, reflection, and worship experience as a group. There will also be opportunity for a little fun and lots of building community with native islanders and each other. We are in the planning stages and looking for faculty that want to partner with us. If you are interested please email Anita Watson (awatson@huntington.edu) in the Friesen Center for Service and Experiential Learning.
Posted By: Anita Watson - Friesen Center for Service and Experiential Learning