

Huntington University provides Texthelp’s Read&Write to all students and staff. Read&Write is an easy-to-use toolbar that can support you in everyday tasks such as reading, writing, researching, organizing information, and studying academic language. Read&Write’s easy-to-use toolbar can be used in Office365 and OneDrive, Google Chrome and Google Drive, on your Mac, or in Microsoft Edge. Visit the Read&Write page to download the version of your choice by clicking on the pink Try Read&Write button. As long as you are signed in with your school credentials, you will have access to all premium Read&Write features. The videos linked below demonstrate the Read&Write desktop application. Videos for Read&Write for Google Chrome, Edge, and Mac  are available on the Texthelp Youtube channel.

Read&Write for Google Chrome can also be used with Moodle!


Posted By: Melissa Gordon