COVID Updates
As we approach the beginning of our academic year, a few updates regarding COVID-19 are in order:
*Masks are required in classrooms and chapel at Indiana locations. Masks are optional in all other University spaces at this time. This protocol will be reviewed after 30 days and any potential adjustments made in light of data trends and input from health officials.
*Dr. Matt Pflieger, lead health officer for Huntington County, will be speaking in Zurcher Auditorium at 11:00 a.m. on September 8. This will be in a forum-style format, with a question and answer session. Dr. Pflieger will share information regarding COVID-19 in general, vaccines, testing, and current data trends.
*HU will have a temporary on-campus vaccine clinic in mid-September. Details are being finalized with the health department, and more information will be shared when available. The clinic will be for HU students and employees and will likely be two half-days.
*As a reminder, guidelines, protocols, and University resources can be found at the COVID-19 Campus Plan link on the HU webpage.
Posted By: Russ Degitz
Posted By: Russ Degitz