
Retirement Plan – Millennium Advisory Services

Financial advisors from Millennium Advisory Services are available to meet VIRTUALLY with employees who are interested in: 

·       Reviewing any questions pertaining to the Huntington retirement plan and their retirement account.

·       Going through Millennium’s financial planning process offered to all employees.

·       Retaining Millennium for professional fee-based asset management of their retirement plan account(s). 

If you would like to schedule an appointment, please click here to schedule an appointment. You will receive an email confirming your appointment time. 

You may also contact Millennium’s Scheduling Team via phone at 877-435-2489, option 1 or via email at to schedule time to meet virtually or speak with an advisor.

Millennium Advisory Services is a registered investment advisory firm that specializes in working with higher education institutions and their employees, providing education and advice services to retirement plan participants.  

All Huntington employees are offered the opportunity to meet privately with an advisor to go through Millennium’s financial planning process and receive a personalized financial plan. This goal-based financial planning process is intended to help provide guidance on issues such as how much you should be saving for retirement, how your retirement account should be invested, and whether you are on track to reach your personal retirement goals.  Spouses/significant others are encouraged to participate as well.

Posted By: Jean Cole