
Busy Little Ninjas

Last week was a very busy week for your creative ninjas. With the public launch of the comprehensive campaign, we had many things happening. From press kits and media invitations, to finalizing printed pieces and display pieces, to finishing scripts and formalizing plans, the event was worth all the work! And on top of that, we made sure that our areas of the board meeting were ready to go!

This week we are picking back up the projects that got set down for a few days. We are meeting with departments (if you are a department that received an email from Nicole Manges, please respond to her!), moving forward with web update, snapshot creation, and brochures. In the meantime, we are staying up with deadlines for admissions’ communications plans which means that we are focusing on visit days in November, December, and January.

There are also projects in the works:
* To add art to certain display windows
* To continue the schedule of promoting departments on social
* Ordering branded artist items for departments and offices
* Writing and pitching press releases and news stories
* Working closely with Marcy Hawkins to finalize the details for Day of Giving (taking place Nov. 21)
* Designing department signage for upcoming visit day fairs
* And much, much more!

Join us in our quest for communication prowess at Huntington University! You can do that by adopting a new way to submit marketing, public relations, and communication requests. Instead of email and HelpDesk, we now ask that you use

Posted By: Lynette Fager, Director of Communication