
Sunny with a Chance of Bubbles

If you didn’t see the fountain on April 9, you missed a magical display of bubbles! But this lovely photo isn’t just a pretty picture (though it is quite pretty!); it’s social media gold.

Why? Two key reasons:
1) Suds sell. In today’s world where what happens in Vegas lives on YouTube, this generation of high school age students are looking for uncensored honesty. They want to know what the campus truly feels like. For those of who bleed Forester Green, we know that soaping the fountain is a Forester tradition! This IS what campus feels like!
2) Nostalgia works. If you see a post on Facebook that harkens back to your childhood, you engage with it. And that, my dear Foresters, is exactly what generations of fellow Foresters did with this post!

This single post reached 11,303 people, had 637 reactions (likes, hearts, etc), had 48 shares, and 38 comments. And perhaps my personal favorite part of this whole story? Some of those comments were Foresters from yesteryear posting their fountain soaping photos!

So why do I share this story with you? Because the University Relations Team didn’t take this photo. It was submitted to me (Lynette) by a staff member. We can’t be everywhere – that’s why we need you to help us tell the real HU story! Something fun happening in class? Send me a photo! Foresters doing something entertaining on the Quad? Send me a video! See a rainbow over campus? Send me a photo!

I need your help to tell the Forester story!