The Huntington University women’s basketball team will host its 11th annual Pink Out at 1 p.m. on Saturday, February 2 at the University’s Merillat Complex.
Pink Out is a nationwide initiative of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics sponsored by the Women’s Basketball Coaches Association to support breast cancer research and awareness programs.
Proceeds from gate receipts, donations and “pink” popcorn sales will benefit the Vera Bradley Foundation for Breast Cancer.
“We are honored to partner with Huntington University to raise funds for breast cancer research,” said Lynda Houk, executive director of the Vera Bradley Foundation for Breast Cancer. “It is with the support of partners such as Huntington University that we are making a difference in many lives affected by breast cancer. The researchers we support are working to discover ways to treat, prevent and cure breast cancer. While we are making great strides our work is not done.”
In lieu of ticket sales, game-day admission will be exclusively on a donation basis with a suggested contribution of $7 per adult and $2 for children 12 and younger.
Breast cancer survivors will be honored guests for the game and will be admitted without charge. At the start of halftime, survivors will be escorted onto the floor for special recognition and presented with a complimentary gift provided by the Vera Bradley Foundation for Breast Cancer.
“We encourage you to bring family, friends and breast cancer survivors on Saturday as we ‘paint the gym pink’ (wear pink), honor survivors and raise funds to find a cure,” said Lori Culler, HU women’s basketball head coach.
The Vera Bradley Foundation for Breast Cancer raises funds for breast cancer research to find a cure and to improve the lives of the many affected by this disease. Vera Bradley’s co-founders began raising funds after the loss of a dear friend to the disease in 1993. The Foundation has contributed $32.5 million to the Vera Bradley Foundation Center for Breast Cancer Research at Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis, Indiana. Funds are raised through special events, partner events and individual donations. Learn more about the Vera Bradley Foundation for Breast Cancer at www.verabradley.org .