
Annual Blood Draw Wellness Event

Huntington University will be hosting two wellness events for employees/dependents on Thursday morning, April 4, from 7:00-9:30 a.m. in the Nursing Lab of Dowden Science Hall. An additional screening will take place in Fort Wayne at the OTD office on Thursday morning, April 11, from 7:00-8:00 a.m.

Sign-Up Instructions
To sign up, log into the Huntington University Wellness Portal through this link, or the link in the attached instructions.

First-Time Portal User: Scroll down and choose Sign Up if this is your first time logging into the portal. Validate the information in the system by verifying legal first and last name, date of birth, zip code, and last four digits of SSN/employee ID. This information must match the information provided by the Huntington University HR system.

Returning Portal User: If you are a returning user to the portal, log in using your username and password. If you’re unsure of what these are, click “Forgot Username” or “Forgot Password” at the bottom. If you do not receive an email with temporary access, please reach out to

If you are covered under the HU Medical plan, there is no additional cost for these tests. If you are not covered under the HU Medical plan, payment can be made at the event. Credit/debit is accepted. Cash or personal checks are no longer accepted.

SIGN-UP DEADLINE IS March 25 at noon for Huntington and April 1 at noon for Fort Wayne. SO DON’T DELAY!

Fasting is required 9-14 hours prior to your blood draw. Refer to the “Helpful Tips Flyer” handout attached.

Once again this year, your results will be posted at through Parkview Health Network within 24-48 hours following your appointment. You will need a username and password to access these results. If you had your blood drawn in the past for this event, you already have a username and password. If you forgot your username or password, someone from Parkview will be there that morning to assist you (or you can request those from the site ahead of time).

We encourage you to meet with your primary care provider to review your results.


Posted By: Pam S Rudy