
Title IX Update

This past year, HU has consulted with Lathrop GPM on a Title IX review. During this time, we have updated our Sexual Misconduct Title IX policy. This policy has been approved and is now available on our website. We have also updated the website with resources for Indiana and Arizona locations. Included on the website is a reporting form that can be completed online and submitted directly to the Title IX Coordinator.

This fall, we will require TrainEd, Title IX training for all employees and students. You will be notified when the training is available.

If you have any questions related to Title IX, please contact our Title IX Coordinator, Andy McKee. Here is a link to the Title IX web page: Title IX | Huntington University

Title IX Coordinator Contact Information:
Andy McKee
Director of Human Resources
Title IX Coordinator
(260) 359-4200


Posted By: Andy McKee