
One-Act Play Festival

The student-run Otis Memorial Theatre Company, in conjunction with the Huntington University Theatre Company, will present a One-Act Play Festival this weekend! Performances are Friday, April 29 at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, April 30 at 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. This festival, which is entirely student directed, produced, and designed, features two dramatic one-act plays:

By Peter Tarsi
A group of strangers meet in a dirty subway station. They have arrived with limited personal belongings, their watches have stopped, and they all claim to be in different cities. Soon they learn there is no way out of the station, and they discover an unfortunate truth about the true nature of the station. The arrival of someone from the other platform only complicates matters. As the subway train finally approaches, they must decide whether to stay and ponder their actions further or to have faith and climb aboard to their final destination.

Dura Mater
A new play by John Pietrowski
Bernie, a late ’50s press operator, has hit his wife, Helen, an elementary school teacher, with a glass and sent her to the hospital, the first time he has ever done this. Paul, his first-generation college son, is trying to understand what happened, but neither mother nor father will talk to him. Paul’s wife, seven months pregnant, begins to see in Paul’s frustration the germs of the violence that motivated his father. With a son on the way, she feels trapped in a cycle that seems to be repeating itself.

NOTE: While offensive language has been excised from these plays (with authors’ permission), they do contain frank discussions regarding death, domestic violence, and substance use/abuse. Viewers are advised to use discretion if these topics may be upsetting.

Tickets are “pay what you will” and are on sale now at


Posted By: Ryan Long