Lunch & Learn @ the Library – Remembering 9/11
Lunch & Learn @ the Library – Today, noon – 1:00 p.m., Upper Level Conference Room
You are invited to bring your lunch and share your memories of 9/11 — 20 years later. Just a time of conversation and reflection.
We are planning a monthly topical time of conversation at the Library Lunch & Learns.
If you have a topic you would like to present at during a monthly Lunch & Learn @ the Library, let me know.
Another opportunity is the Scholarship Showcase:
The RichLyn Library would like to showcase your faculty, student, and/or department research. There is a new classroom, small seminar room, small conference room, and large conference room for a presentation to accompany and highlight featured work. We also have a literal showcase in the Library entry and room for displays. Up to eight offerings could occur during the academic year with the possibility of summer, too.
If you have a project or program that you want to share with the campus community, contact Noelle Keller, Director of Library Services, or (260) 359-4063.
Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education
Frame: Scholarship as Conversation
Scholarship as Conversation refers to the idea of sustained discourse within a community of scholars, researchers, or professionals, with new insights and discoveries occurring over time as a result of different perspectives and interpretations.
Posted By: Noelle Keller
Posted By: Noelle