Introducing Maylee Jean Edmonds
Maylee Jean Edmonds was born on June 22, about 5 weeks earlier than expected. She was diagnosed with malrotation and Jejunal Atresia of the bowel and was taken in for surgery a few hours after being born. The surgery went very well, and she will have another surgery in about 5 weeks to remove the stoma that was placed and reconnect the bowel. Maylee is currently in the NICU at Parkview Regional Medical Center and will remain there until after the 2nd surgery. Her recovery is going very well, and the doctors are pleased with her progress. Samantha and I have been able to visit and hold her almost every day and just started feeding her by bottle. Please keep us in your prayers as we navigate this tough and uncertain time and pray for big sister Madi who has been unable to visit the hospital due to COVID restrictions.
Posted By: Andrew Edmonds