“Dear Love” Casting Call
We are casting for our Junior Film this Sunday from 2:00-5:00 p.m. at The Well in Huntington. Our story follows Ed, a mailman, who when delivering mail on his route, sees a love letter in his ex-wife’s mail and is forced to reconcile his past and move on for better or for worse. We will be filming March 12-14. We are looking to cast for various roles, including:
Ed (age 40-60) – Ed is a loyal and hardworking man, evident from his 25-year-long career as a mailman. He struggles with control and thrives on routine. He is capable of feeling deep emotions when he opens himself up, but because of past hurt, he rarely does so.
Lou (age 30- 50) – Lou is Ed’s younger brother. He is equally loyal and hardworking but is much more laid back. He is married with two young kids and cares deeply for his family. Although he is the younger brother, in some ways, he is wiser.
Josie (age 30-50) – Lou’s wife
Robin (age 40-60) – Ed’s ex-wife. Although rarely shown in the film, we get to see Robin’s nature in other ways. Her free-spirited nature opposes Ed’s routine-based habits.
Eli (age 5-10) – Eli is Lou and Josie’s son
Robert and Jim (age 30-60) – They are Ed and Lou’s friends
A Kid (age 8-13) – A neighborhood kid who Ed interacts with on his route
Extras! – in a variety of ages
Please contact Mia Splendore, the producer, for more information or to schedule an audition timeslot for Sunday at splendorem@huntington.edu.
Posted By: Matt Webb