Attention All Hourly Employees
Please be sure to enter all Holiday hours for Christmas break through the end of December (12/21-12/31) BEFORE you leave on 12/18/2020 so that your timecard will be ready for your supervisor to approve upon returning January 4.
You can enter these hours before December 18 by clicking on “Next Pay Period” to change the dates on your time card, or call Becky @ext. 4340 for help.
If you are unsure of your eligibility for holiday pay, please read below; if questions remain, contact Jean Cole, Pam Rudy, or Becky Kersey in the Office of Business and Finance.
HU Handbook: A. Paid Holidays
For full-time, Academic Year, and Part-time (see section VI) employees, the University recognizes the days listed below as paid holidays, providing that the day falls within the employee’s regularly scheduled work time.
Section VI: Part-time Status: position budgeted for 10 to 30* hours per week (i.e. 0.25 to 0.79 FTE) for nine or more months per year