My Students – Their Strengths
Includer: Accepts others
- A student with Includer as a strength accepts others and looks for ways to draw people into a group or activity.
- As an instructor, encourage the student with Includer to develop a list of questions associated with course content to draw other students into the conversation.
Individualization: Looks for unique qualities in others
- The student with Individualization observes the unique qualities and contributions of others to see what motivates them.
- As an instructor, let the student with Individualization identify talents in others and foster partnership among peers in the classroom.
Input: Craves to know more
- The student with Input enjoys knowing more and will collect information to reflect an interest in a topic.
- As an instructor, facilitate data collection in the form of facts and stories for the student with Input.
Intellection: Appreciates intellectual pursuits
- A student with Ideation connects with intellectual discussions and often appears introspective.
- As an instructor, help the student with Intellection put complex ideas into plain language, including stories and illustrations.
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Posted By: Heather St. Peters