5 Surprising Benefits of Sharing Your Space with Houseplants
The space that we work in can have an overwhelming influence on our mood. When you think of your workspace, do you think of a calm place to get work done, or do you think of a stressful workload and trying to achieve deadlines? Sharing your space with houseplants can boost your mood and create a relaxing area.
Having plants in your space cultivates good mental health. Taking care of another living thing encourages us to have more compassion in our day-to-day interactions and provides an outlet for anxiety. Plants can also boost your immune system and help you heal faster. Find out more benefits to having plants in your workspace on pages 20-21 of the Summer 2020 UMR wellness magazine.
You can access this magazine on the HU Portal under Personnel > Benefits > Wellness Handouts or by going to the home page of umr.com. On the right side of the page, click on the Healthy You Magazine tile. You do not need to be enrolled in the HU Health Plan to access this informational magazine. Healthy reading.