Be Heart Smart-begins September 29
As the leading cause of death for all Americans, heart disease claims 600,000 lives annually. It is understandably frightening to be at risk for heart disease. The Purdue Extension Be Heart Smart program can help you fight this disease by better understanding it and gaining the necessary knowledge to make heart-smart choices.
Join Purdue Extension for this four-part heart health class that complements healthcare providers’ recommendations and helps you, or your loved one, prevent or manage heart disease. This series will be held at the Parkview Huntington Family YMCA located at 1160 W 500N, on September 29, October 6, 13 and 19 from 12 noon to 1 p.m. The cost for this program will be covered by a grant received by the Huntington County Health and Wellness Coalition from the Parkview Hospital Foundation.
Please reserve a seat by September 22 by calling the Extension Office at (260) 358-4826 or emailing For more information about Extension programs, call or stop by the office. Purdue Extension – Huntington County, 1340 S. Jefferson Street.