Scott Raymond Plans Retirement
Scott has announced his plan to retire in August 2020. Scott has been an ardent advocate of all students and an innovator for Christian higher education. In his role as Executive Director of Student Success, Scott has developed relationships with hundreds of students, helping them find success and complete their degree to become a part of Forester Nation. Scott also collaborated with faculty and staff across campus to remove barriers and develop programs to help students take necessary steps to find success. In addition to the personal relationships, in recent years Scott has played an integral role in New Student Orientation, leading the planning committee.
Before coming to Huntington, Scott served nearly 30 years in Christian higher education. He has been an RD, a dean of students and a vice president for student life. Scott has served as an adjunct faculty member at Huntington and various other institutions.
He shared the following in an announcement to the faculty who serve as mentors for Orientation: “It is with great regret that I share with you today that due to my stroke I have told the college that I will retire August 15. Working with all you last year and this year was a true joy. I am so sorry that I am bowing out but I am now convinced that I can serve you as you deserve. The college has been wonderful to allow me to continue part-time in my current job as I will work to help the returning students come back in the fall.”
It has been a privilege to work with Scott. His work ethic and dedication are unparalleled. I have learned from his heart for students and benefited greatly from his wise counsel. We will schedule a time to celebrate Scott as we get closer to his completion date.
Scott’s job has been posted and we are receiving good interest from qualified candidates. Nick Kight will be serving as the interim director of New Student Orientation.
Posted By: Danny Solms, Vice President for Enrollment Management and Marketing