Mission Moment
The University recently hosted a “Walk into My Future” event involving our community kindergarten students. Approximately 450 students, teachers, and parent volunteers were able to spend much of their day at HU exploring programs, meeting faculty, staff, and students, and just simply having an on-campus experience. The day was designed to not only be a fun-filled experience but also coordinate with CollegeGo Week and serve as a promotion for the Huntington County Promise 529 College Savings Program.
This is one example of the many partnerships Huntington University has throughout the greater Huntington community. The partnership with the local school district is a special one….one that provides an opportunity for a young person born in Huntington to receive an education from kindergarten through post-secondary levels in the same county. As we think about our young people in Huntington and beyond who will attend HU someday, let us remember Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” As we think about our mission of serving Christ through Scholarship and Service, there may be no more important component than reaching our youth to help raise them in the way of the Lord. Our hope and prayer can be that events like “Walk into My Future” provide a nudge and small step to experience God’s wholeness and goodness on a Christ-centered campus.
Posted By: Russ Degitz