Student Satisfaction Inventory™ (SSI) starting at HU Next Week
This coming Monday, October 21, our HU students will receive an email from me inviting them to participate in the nation-wide assessment of College Student Satisfaction. HU chooses to participate in this assessment every two years so that our Board of Trustees, President, senior leaders, faculty, and the HU community can hear what is important to our students and how satisfied they are with their HU experience. Our students’ personal responses will be confidential and anonymous!
We are asking for our students’ true opinion and real insights. As a community, we will see how our student body’s total input compares to national public and private colleges and universities, as well as the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities.
Students who complete the survey will be entered in a random drawing at noon on November 5 to possibly receive $100.00 in cash, $50.00 in cash, or one of four $25.00 cash awards.
Please encourage your students to participate in this endeavor!
Posted By: Scott Raymond