And the winner is…
Dear Colleagues,
With a whopping 56 faculty/staff members voting, the results are now in. The Celebrate the Core (CTC) Spring 2020 theme is:
The goal of CTC is to get as many classes talking about the same exact idea at around the same time to show our students one of the main advantages of a liberal arts education: the ability to approach important topics from a variety of different disciplines to gain a more comprehensive understanding.
The theme of COMMUNITY is super cool for a number of reasons. One is that the other top three themes–JUSTICE, IMAGE OF GOD–are easily incorporated into it. All thriving communities are just ones and no unjust community is thriving. All human communities are made up of images of God. The most fundamental being of all–God = one substance, three persons–is a community (of sorts) of persons. God is perfectly just. Thriving images of God are images of perfect justice. So, our chosen theme–COMMUNITY–lends itself to all sorts of super cool investigations. The sciences, maths, arts, humanities, and pre-professional programs should have a fairly easy time finding creative ways to implement this theme is one or more class periods during the spring semester.
More to come…
Thanks to all who participated in the voting.
Posted By: David E Alexander