Revelation Fitness Classes
For ALL women, ALL ages, and ALL fitness levels! If you have a body, you belong!
(Modifications are shown for all exercises.)
This session will meet every Monday for 4 weeks
– Mondays from 7:00-8:15 p.m. (Oct. 21 & 28, Nov. 4 & 11)
– Taught by Kelly Bordeaux, Certified Revelation Wellness® Instructor
*HU Faculty/Staff/Spouse – 1st class is FREE! After free class, pay $15 up front for remaining classes OR a $5 per class drop-in.
Bring: water bottle, exercise mat & light hand weights, if you have them (If you don’t have them, don’t let that stop you from coming. Extra equipment is available to borrow in class.)
Revelation Fitness® classes are a combination of kickboxing, choreographed strength, cardio drumsticks, and dance to upbeat and uplifting music. We move our bodies out of love for the body God created, not fear or punishment. Movement is a “get to,” not a “have to!” You’ll move your body and hear the Word of the Lord in a fun, energetic atmosphere
Questions? Contact Kelly Bordeaux at kbordeaux@huntington.edu.