The Ripple Effect
In order to recognize September as suicide prevention month, the Suicide Prevention Task Force will sponsor the viewing of the movie, The Ripple Effect. The 90-minute movie is about Kevin Hines, who at age 19 attempted to take his life by jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge. The movie chronicles the impact of his suicide attempt on others and his work as a mental health advocate since that time.
Join us and encourage students to attend! Friday, September 27, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. The movie will be shown first, and then a 30 minute panel discussion will occur. Panel members will include: Martha Smith, HU dean of student services/director of counseling and career services, Rev. Arthur Wilson, HU dean of spiritual life/campus pastor, Jan Williams, Youth Service Bureau director, Shelly Snyder, Bowen Center director, and Trace Hinesley, HCCSC.
The Social Work Club will promote this event on campus. The Huntington community is invited to join in the event as well.