HU Theatre Company Fall Auditions
Huntington University Theatre Company is holding auditions for its fall productions: Angel Street (Gaslight) and the Troupe performance.
WHO: Anyone!
WHEN: Tuesday, Sept. 3
WHERE: Acting Studio (MCA M160)
WHAT: Those auditioning for Angel Street are asked to prepare a short (1-2 min) dramatic monologue; memorization is encouraged but not required. Those auditioning for The Troupe are asked to prepare 16-32 bars of a musical theatre selection. You may audition for both productions within your 5-minute slot, but both selections must fit within the time slot. Monologue books & scripts available in the library.
WHY: Because it’s fun! BONUS: HU students can get upper-division credit through TH392 Play Production.
HOW: Sign up for a time slot at
Email with questions about auditions.
Email if interested in being involved with backstage areas.