
Move-In Day

Move-In Day is August 22! We have several hundred eager students ready to move into their new residence halls, and we would love have your help!

If you’d like to extend Forester hospitality by helping our new students move items from their cars to their rooms (or we have other less physically demanding tasks if you prefer!), your help would be much appreciated!

Please email Nick Kight at to be added to the list of volunteers. Generally, we recommend helping for the morning shift (9 a.m.-11:30 a.m.) or the afternoon shift (11:30 a.m.-2 p.m.). If you can’t help that entire time, that’s totally fine; just let us know what times you’d like to help.

We’ll have all volunteers meet at the Office of Admissions to pick up your t-shirt and be assigned to whichever res hall needs the most help.