Shakespeare at Pendleton T-Shirt Sale
Friends, I’m ready to run the t-shirt fundraiser for Shakespeare @ Pendleton. What we do is sell the same t-shirt design that we provide for the men to serve as their costuming for the performance. For the first 20-25 shirts sold, if you buy yourself a shirt, you are also providing a shirt for one of our actors. If we sell more than 25 shirts, then any profit will be put into the general fund for Shakespeare at Pendleton, so this will then serve as a fundraiser for the program.
For youth sizes all the way to adult 2XL, we’ll sell the shirts for $16 each.
For 3 and 4XL, we’ll ask for $18, and above 4XL, $20
I can deliver shirts in Huntington, IN, in Marion, IN, in Pendleton, IN (not including to incarcerated persons not involved in S@P), and to Christ’s Community Church in Fort Wayne, IN. If a person is a friend of Morgan Morton, delivery may also be possible. Otherwise, we will have to mail the t-shirts, for which we ask an additional $4 for mailers and postage.
The Shakespeare at Pendleton participants are not allowed to keep their shirts after the performances, so we send them free of charge to one relative or friend designated by the men. The shirts the men will wear for the performance are generally sizes 2XL or larger because Pendleton requires the men to wear them over their prison clothes. If a relative of one of the participants wants a shirt besides the one we will send from the show, we can offer it for $10 and the $4 postage.
Sometimes we earn a little money from this, and sometimes we just break even, but we are currently in a good financial situation for the program, so we are happy to offer this, whatever happens. If you are interested in a shirt or five, please send me a private message on Facebook or an email to jheller @huntington. com.