Chapel April 30 – Kathleen Morrical
Kathleen is a senior psychology and sociology major from Goshen, IN. She has been an RA for 3 years on Livingston 2 and has been a Front Line Forester for the past 2 years. She also worked in the Admissions Office for 2 years, has been a tutor for a year, and has been a research assistant in the Psychology Department. Kathleen also helped lead Delight the first semester it started and presently participates in Undignified. Currently, she volunteers with a CORE group at Riverview Middle School as part of Youth for Christ and helps teach Sunday school at the Huntington First Church of the Nazarene every week. During both her sophomore and junior years she traveled to India for J-term. She loves all things giraffes, cats, pasta, coffee, and most importantly JESUS!