Marketing Made Simple
Did you know that a postcard is 6x more likely to be read than a direct mail letter? We do.
Did you know that it takes an average of 15-18 marketing touches before someone takes an action on a product or service? We do.
Did you know that a subject line in all capital letters actually hurts your messaging? We do.
Did you know that the average consumer has an 8-second attention span? We do.
We might not know that average air speed velocity of an unladen swallow and we might not know the square root of Pi and we might not know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop, but we know how to communicate.
HU’s University Relations team are experts in marketing, public relations, and communications. Our expertise benefits HU as a whole, but it can also go to work directly for your department, team, program, event, or club. In fact, that’s exactly what we are supposed to do. Anything that uses HU’s name, logo, or brand should be cleared by University Relations before being used. This includes fliers, brochures, videos, postcards, social media accounts, and more. But don’t let this make you feel restricted! Instead, let this free you! This means that if you have a marketing initiative idea or event promotion coming up, don’t try to wing it on your own; work with University Relations (UniversityRelations@huntington.edu).