Huntington University will be hosting a wellness event for employees/dependents, retirees, and students on Thursday morning, February 28, 2019, from 7 – 9 a.m. in the Nursing Department (basement of Dowden Science Hall).
To sign up, please contact Pam Rudy by email – prudy@huntington.edu – or by phone – ext. 4003 and indicate your full LEGAL name, date of birth, phone number and the tests you want taken. If you are covered under the HU Medical plan, there is no cost for these tests. If you are not covered under the HU Medical plan, payment can be made at the event. Credit/debit is accepted as well as a personal check.
For a listing of the tests being offered and to better understand these lab tests, please refer to the HU Portal under Personnel > Benefits > Wellness> the attached handout “2019 Wellness Blood Draw Package Details.”
Fasting is required 10-12 hours prior to your blood draw. Refer to the “Blood Draw Tips” handout on the HU Portal under Personnel > Benefits > Wellness for successful draw results.
Once again this year, your results will be posted at mychart.parkview.com through Parkview Health Network. You will need a user name and password to access these results. If you had your blood drawn last year, you already have a username and password. If you forgot your username or password, someone from Parkview will be there that morning to assist you (or you can request those from the site ahead of time).