Ultimate Frisbee Club Fundraiser
The HU Ultimate Frisbee Club is back on campus after a three-year hiatus. So far this semester, we have played in four tournaments, and our numbers are continuing to grow of students getting involved in our club. We are currently looking to raise funds for some of our remaining tournaments this fall and in the spring semester. We would like to offer faculty and staff our services of raking leaves or shoveling snow (when it gets here) at your residence. In exchange for our services, we ask for a $25 donation to our club that will be evenly dispersed to the five club members who help rake/shovel for you. If you are interested in some extra hands for your yard work and would like to help the HU Ultimate Frisbee Club as we continue to grow, please e-mail me at nkight@huntington.edu to coordinate details. We appreciate your support! Thank you!