Honorary Degrees/Commemorative Names Nomination
From the Office of the President:
Huntington University awards honorary degrees to individuals “who have made a contribution to society by devoting their lives to the public good or by dedicated service to higher education.”
You are invited to assist the Honorary Degrees and Commemorative Names Council by nominating individuals who are worthy of consideration for an honorary degree from Huntington University. You can help by sending the names of one or two Christian scholars, artists or leaders whom you feel would be deserving of such an honor. Of particular interest are names of women and minority candidates.
A list of individuals who have received honorary degrees from Huntington University and the form for your use in submitting nominations may be found on the portal (personnel tab, forms and documents under the President’s Office). Please complete this form and return it to ctrout@huntington.edu by October 15, 2018 so that we may prepare the names for review by the Honorary Degrees and Commemorative Names Council. You may also mail your completed form to the Office of Academic Affairs, Huntington University, 2303 College Avenue, Huntington, IN, 46750.
In addition, the Honorary Degrees and Commemorative Names Council has requested that your suggestions for commemorative facilities names be included on the nomination form. The naming of a facility is one of the highest honors we as a University can bestow upon an individual or family, therefore, we ask that you nominate those who exemplify impeccable Christian standards in their own lives and have inspired others as well.
Thank you for your assistance in helping Huntington University to recognize distinguished service.