Fiscal Year Transition Information
As we wrap up the accounting for fiscal year 2017-18 and begin transactions for 2018-19, the Business Office would like to share this information:
• Invoices and payments for 2017-18 expenses will be posted back to that fiscal year through June 15. After that date, all expenses will be recorded in 2018-19.
• Budgets for 2018-19 have been entered and are available for your review on the portal ( under the Personnel link: Budget Review/Lookup GL Account
Information. For instructions on using this link, see the document “Lookup GL Account Information” under the Business Office documents on the Personnel page.
• 17-18 account balances for agencies and restricted accounts will be rolled forward to 18-19 in mid to late June. Until that time, please look-up the 17-18 balance and then add or subtract
any activity for 18-19 to get your current balance.
• Please contact Shelia Hacker ( or Connie Bonner ( to make changes in budget or account access on the portal. Budget or account access requests must be approved by your senior leader or director.
As always, the Business Office is happy to serve you. If you are unsure whom to contact with your question, any team member can direct you to the right place. Happy summer!