HUAZ Spring Showcase Recap
Huntington University Arizona has wrapped up their semester with two end of the year showcases to celebrate the wonderful projects our students have completed this academic year!
Prior to both showcases, we held a gallery at Huntington to display our graphic design and animation student projects. We had some of our awesome animation students help us hang up their artwork throughout the school, and we had an animation reel playing on our white infinity wall. It was a great opportunity for family and friends to see their work come to life.
Our first showcase took place at Harkins Theater, where we had 220 students, families, and friends watch a 2-hour screening of projects. This showcase included: a graphic design slideshow, animation reel, broadcast packages, film projects, and 3 short films directed and produced by our film practicum students! The second showcase was held at Huntington, for those who couldn’t attend the first showing. We had a packed house of 50 attendees!!!
To see any of these projects, subscribe to our YouTube Channel, and be on the lookout for new content next month.