Great Golf Package Deal
I am offering you all an Incredible NEW Golf Special this year which will ALLOW YOU TO USE ALL THE TICKETS AT 1 GOLF COURSE (WITH Individual or MULTIPLE PLAYERS) OR YOU CAN CHOOSE TO USE THEM AT AS MANY OR ALL OF THE COURSES ON THE PACKAGE THIS YEAR! As a Fundraiser through Huntington Univ Golf Team, we will receive a kick-back from the proceeds from this Special. Now that Spring is here, the Golfers are ready to start playing! If you can view the attached copy of this Golf Pkg., you can place your order of how many Golf Pkg’s you want with the Golf Coach, Rick Sholund, before May 1st and have $69.99 Cash (OVER $600 VALUE) or Checks made payable to R O Sales, Inc. for $74.99. The Golf Pkg’s will be avail to be picked up at the Athletic Office on May 1st, so that you can start using them immediately. Tickets are valid everyday of the week and also on weekends, unless otherwise stated on the tickets (Glendarin Hills, Cherry Hill & Autumn Ridge are a few Courses with some restrictions)
Please notice the participating Courses on the attached copy which includes: Norwood GC, Waldo GC, Walnut Creek GC, Cherry Hill & Autumn Ridge GC, Glendarin Hills, Zollner GC in Angola as well as 25 other Courses you can play at if you choose to travel to them. There are 12 tickets on this package and 2 sided this yr. with the New addition of Several Courses.
*Remember that these passes can all be used at 1 or 2 courses OR they can play at all 31 Courses.
The back side of the tickets are valid at another 20 Courses until June 2019 and offer:
4-Free Rounds (Carts Required)
8- 2 for 1 Golf w/Carts
The Front side of the tickets are valid until June 2019 at 16 Courses that offer:
4- FREE Rounds (Carts required)
4- 2 for 1 Golf w/Cart
4- Foursomes for $120 w/Carts
($140 at Glendarin Hills GC)
Valid 7 Days/week at all 36 Courses (unless otherwise stated on the tickets) or use all at 1 Course until June 2019!!!
OVER $600 in Golf for ONLY $69.99 again!
I was able to put this together this year to help Fundraise for our Golf Team and want to make this avail for Everyone. You are able to pick up Golf Packages from Huntington Univ Golf Coach, Rick Sholund, after May 1st.
Thank you again