Veteran’s Day is coming up and we invite you to join us on Wednesday, November 6, as we honor past and present U.S. Military servicemen and women. During the breakfast, Major General Martin Umbarger, Adjutant General of the Joint Forces Headquarters, Indiana National Guard will be our featured speaker. Maj. Gen. Umbarger will be giving an update on the pre-mobilized training and deployment of all units of the Indiana Army and Air National Guard in support of the Global War on Terrorism.
Breakfast begins at 7:45 a.m. in the upper level of the Habecker Dining Commons and will conclude by 9:00 a.m. The cost of the breakfast is $7.00. Please feel free to invite a current or former member of the military to join you for breakfast! All servicemen and women will be recognized and provided with a free breakfast. Prior RSVP is requested to Barb Baker at or 359-4069.